Saturday, December 29, 2007

What a Blessed Christmas

Christmas this year was amazing. It was so great to see the joy on both of the kids faces. Last year was so hard on everyone...even Dylan. We all wanted Madi to be home so bad and this year that was the best present for us all.

We start off on Christmas Eve in Garland with Jeff's family. Madi had a ball. Jeff Dylan and Madi spent a lot of time out in the front yard playing kickball. She's all about playing ball..anykind.

Christmas morning was great. Here we got the perfect picture of her excitement racing towards her kitchen. It's the picture you hope you get every year. Look at that sheer joy on her face. Dylan kept forgetting about his "stuff" and was watching Madi too. Nothing a parent wants to see more than a 10 year old more interested in his little sister than stuff. He is a blessing to us everyday.

Later in the day on Christmas we always end in Krum. The food is great and Madi was so open and just Ms. Personality for everyone. It was great to see her hugging and kissing everyone. She helped pass out presents, ate at the kids table and just fell right into place amongst the traditions that we do while celebrating Christmas. Still, the center of her world is her brother.

1 comment:

Ashton said...

Madi has changed SO much since China!!! Adam misses Dylan so much and talks constantly about coming to see you guys! We had a blessed Christmas and so did you! Hope to see you soon!